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Running 4 President

Silly Comedy



"Laughed my pants off." 

-- Bill (audience member)


Running 4 President (R4P) was produced on a micro-budget, through a volunteer workshop, involving  more than 150 people in cast, crew and other contributors. R4P is a GLENBROOK STUDIOS SILLY FILMS release.*


Based upon a fictional story that takes place within a live cartoon reality, R4P is a reflection of its main characters, two slackers always taking easy routes.​


Production design followed that theme with cheesy shortcuts for graphics, intended to look like the movie was made by juveniles. It's a quirky comedy, poking fun at the political process.


"This movie was my 4th attempt at making a feature film. The process of producing it on a shoestring budget was very challenging. Had to wear the lion's share of the hats again. Could make a movie about the making of R4P. Learned a lot. Again, another one of my practice projects that friends say is worth watching anyway. It is what it is. If I had the $2 million in funding that I originally wanted, it would be a totally different movie. Enjoy it for what it is. Had a loving team to help me. Big thanks to all of you."

-- Marko Sakren, Writer, Producer, Director


R4P breaks the fourth wall during the rolling credits at the end of the movie. Keep watching to the end to squeeze every last drop of the sweet silliness out of your time spent watching this movie.






* R4P was purchased  for re-release through GLENBROOK STUDIOS SILLY FILMS LLC.

   Originally released in 2009 through RED ROCK MEDIA GROUP INC.


Silly Comedy

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When you Donate, we'll get closer to our immediate goal of $20k to cover costs of raising $3mil for our next feature comedy "Vegas Christ" movie.

The Story

LOGLINE: Todd and Dale, two barely educated slackers, try to save their failing oxygen bar by running a silly little campaign for the White House.


SUMMARY: Under pressure to save their failing oxygen bar that operates out of a manicure shop, Todd and Dale (two post-college slackers) concoct a silly little marketing scheme to turn their business into the headquarters of a make-believe political campaign. The public catches on and what was supposed to be a publicity stunt turns into an actual, national, political movement. Todd and Dale don't want to spend any more time with the monster they created so they decide to stop the entire charade. Then destiny comes calling. At the demands of protesters, they are forced to change their minds. These two goof-offs are now faced with having to carry out "The Rules" that they made up, or else. The adventure leads our two youthful entrepreneurs into the cross-hairs of the national candidates running for President and the stakes escalate.



The Cast

View entire cast at: 

IMDb Rating: 8.9 out of 10 stars

The Approach

Produced on a shoestring budget with volunteer participation from scores of cast and a bunch of crew, R4P is a feature movie made from the heart. Can't say it'll compete for Hollywood but that doesn't mean R4P is devoid of entertainment value. On the contrary, despite its many flaws, cheesy graphics deliberately made to look cheap and juvenile (and save money, too), mixed performances, continuity errors, and out-of-the-box production approach, R4P is here simply to entertain you in its own quirky way.


Watch it as a silly attempt to tell the personal story of two slackers who are trying to save their failing oxygen bar from extinction. Watch it for what it is: made by a director, a few department heads, and a bunch of actors who just wanted to make a movie for practice, fun and credit. It was all about pulling off a movie however we could.


"Clear your mind of expectations and comparisons," writer/director/producer Marko Sakren explains, "and simply watch this movie for what it is: a work of moving images, telling their own story, produced under extraordinarily stressful conditions, with mental and physical disabilities of my own, without funding or a full crew. Thankfully, I had supportive producers, cast members, and essential crew (art director, make-up artists, costumer, sound recordist, grips), consultants, and music contributors. Enjoy it as it is and for all it's worth, flaws included. Yes, there are flaws in the movie but I didn't fix them because I was burned out from it all. Besides, I can always blame it all on Todd and Dale because it's their movie."


NOTE: Investors, Cast, Crew, Music Contributors get paid from this movie's proceeds.

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