My 9/11
a para-documentary
Psychic Journey
COMING 6/11/24
"A stunning achievement in filmmaking."
-- Las Vegas Weekly
"My 9/11 was produced as a personal journey," explains Marko Sakren, producer/director, "recalling a period of my life that opened my mind up to the paranormal, leading to an ultimate confirmation on September 11, 2001."​
This movie is somewhat avant-garde, flowing from the truth about Sakren's psychic experiences, but in a style that reflects the pastel crayon drawing at the center of this story: the artwork that predicted, twenty-one years in advance, the moment the WTC South Tower in NYC cracked off and started to come crashing down following the deadly strike of Flight 175 on 9/11.
My 9/11 is autobiographical. It's mixed media. It's an artistic documentary.
Watch Trailer (2.2 min) Below
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When you Donate, 95% goes to non-profit film organizations to fund cinematic and true stories about the paranormal.
The Story
A soul-searching story about a filmmaker and a psychic drawing from 1980 that predicted the fall of the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001, and subsequent natural disasters
The Cast
View entire cast at:
IMDb Rating: 7 out of 10 stars
The Approach
RED ROCK MEDIA GROUP 's LA FILM PROJECT makes movies with given resources. Crew tasks were handled by Marko Sakren along with various consultants and assistants as needed per scene.
Filmed on a digital tape camera (Sony) with sound recorded by boom mic, My 9/11 had a simple production approach. Everyone agreed to work for free and were very enthusiastic about it. All in all, this film was another bootstrap effort. Trick is to get better and better at it. Gotta start somewhere. Full funding would help.
"Clear your mind of expectations and comparisons," Marko Sakren explains, " and simply watch this movie for what it is: a work of fact and truth meant to document the psychic events that led to my stunning revelations."
NOTE: Proceeds go to charity to help reveal paranormal experiences.